There’s a store in the mall that sells these hyper-detailed, miniature football helmets. I want one with a baseball team logo on the side.
Tag: #sports
Alone Time
Anybody still remember the United Football League? The games were fun to watch, but it was kind of distracting that they were played in virtually empty stadiums.
Playing the Big Time
In a weird coincidence, this cartoon appeared in the papers the same week Mister Hodge passed away.
What Would WHO Do?
My father was always disgusted with people claiming to ask, “What would Jesus do?” without ever having asked, “What DID Jesus do?”
Valentines Day Romance
If you had one of the classy local newspapers that run “Doctor Tuttle”, you would have seen this strip on Valentines Day. Made more sense then.
The Art of Listening
We have a city park that stocks a LOT of fish periodically. You can tell which days because you drive by and the banks are wall to wall with people enjoying “the serenity of fishing”
Pitching Washers
My family did a lot of pitchin’ washers for many, many years. Don’t know if my siblings still have their sets, but mine eventually fell apart. Might have to build another set one day.
If the Name Fits
It’s weird how many people didn’t get this strip. And I was expecting some pushback on the concept of husband-abuse but got none.