In our usually easily-offended culture, I was a little surprised this strip drew no response, other than one guy who wrote that he saw the ending coming from the first panel
Tag: #comic
Alone Time
Anybody still remember the United Football League? The games were fun to watch, but it was kind of distracting that they were played in virtually empty stadiums.
Yuckin’ It Up
I have had the trail mix with the little bits of cheese in it. Didn’t mind the taste, but what is in the cheese that keeps it from melting?!?!
Is it because they’re “just bears” that we don’t care about the obvious injustice done against them? I mean, they are apparently sentient creatures in the story
He’s a Fighter, Alright
I love going to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, but it’s kind of expensive. Especially when almost any chocolate from anywhere will satisfy me
Carpenters, Da?
I used to really like the Carpenters, maybe because my mom did. Last time I tried to listen to them, though, that taste had passed me by. Wonder why that is?
Cream in a Can
I like a mouthful straight now and then, but I’ve never tried to suck down a whole can like this. I don’t know why. Just not ambitious, I guess
One Ugly Turtle
The first panel is based on an actual news story from around here. I was this giant turtle that looked like something Peter Jackson would have come up with.
Wisdom of the Ages
Do kids still shout the original phrase at each other like we used to do? Did it every serve any long-term purpose?
What Steps Carpenters Dew
Sometimes, the obvious jokes are the best jokes. And then, sometimes not.