We Prefer the Term … Tweet I don’t mind that “nerd” is no longer really an insult, but I wonder how that happened.
Unequally Yoked — Not Yolked Tweet I like Trek and Wars both and have little patience for the knuckleheads who say you have to like one or the other. Not like we’re talking Coke vs. Pepsi here, folks!
Even Worse than the Pancreas? Tweet Yes, I know most people don’t find anything funny about cancer, but I don’t find anything funny about Lubbock, so it all works out, right?
C.F.D.P. Tweet When I hit middle age, my tolerance for caffeine was greatly diminished, so now I only have one caffeinated drink a week. Caffeine Free Dr Pepper helps to lessen the pain of withdrawal.
The key to a Good Marriage Tweet Listening is important in marriage, but as a quiet person, I have learned that most people in the world don’t care if you listen. So long as you don’t interrupt them, they think you’re a good listener and will often compliment you for it.