Litter-ally Tweet This is one of those cases where I debated how “animal-ly” I wanted the animals to be. Should Phydeaux or Goldie think about getting fixed? What about just a vasectomy?
Plasma’s the Way to Go, Man! Tweet I can’t believe how thin and cheap big screen TVs are getting. I keep thinking about a new one when I go to the store, but the 42 incher I have now works just fine. Why am I telling you this?!?!
Holistic Medicine Defined Tweet For them as don’t know … in the final panel, Doctor Tuttle (the turtle) is talking to Dr. Penn Gwynn (a psychiatrist) and Dr. T.B. Ward (a bear who specializes is respiratory diseases).
Christmas Dreams Tweet There are certain Bible stories we never have the kids act out but, admit it: the little boys would probably enjoy playing out the more gruesome stories.