In a Timely Manner Tweet I have a neurologist who is a very good doctor, if you don’t mind waiting. A lot.
Therapy Herds Tweet I like the elephant family, mainly because we’re all picturing in our own minds what’s going on with them.
Mustard Psychosis Tweet Of course, just as this strip comes out, Dr. Flip-Flop has been banished from the airwaves, for some reason. Not like he became less reliable!
70 Years on the Throne Tweet I think I did this comic, or one similar, when it was 60 years. I’m sure she gets tired of these jokes in person.
Doctors Know Nuttin’! Tweet I thought about titling this “Doctors Who Don’t Listen”. I have noticed that some doctors don’t listen, but neither do some patients.
Putting the “Pro” in Procrastinator Tweet Based on a friend of mine who actually did forget to send his twin sister a card in time.
Mustard Returns Tweet Years ago, I did several strips about Phydeaux being afraid of the mustard identifier. Seemed like time to bring that phobia back as I see so many people afraid of so many silly things.
Playing God Tweet This has been one of the most popular strips I’ve done. Even doctors like it–though they all see someone else as having the problem.
Seedy Storage Tweet I was seeing this product advertised a lot before Christmas. It just struck me as a product that would have sold really well ten or fifteen years ago.