Smelly! Tweet There is a ranch up near Telluride that they say belongs to Ralph Lauren. If true, I’m envious because it is a beautiful place. I just had this picture in my mind of the world’s most well-dressed cowboys, who always have to smell their best. But since this strip is only about animals, I decided it would be cows who smell nice.
Creepy Joe? Tweet In my defense, at time in which this was drawn, it seemed like Creepy Joe–excuse me, Sleepy Joe–was hopelessly out of the race.
What-Building? Tweet My sons play a lot of deck-building games. They’ve taught me a couple of them and I enjoy them although I still don’t know what I’m doing. Oddly, I keep winning.
Diver Down Tweet And now, everyone I hear says it’s diverticulosis. I could look up and see if there’s a specific difference between the two, but I’m going to let you do that.
What a Weasel Tweet Recently, we had a patient who claimed to not know why her blood sugar was so dangerously high but she had just finished off an entire box of Rice Krispy treats by herself! Also, I like the look of that weasel. I should draw him again.
Do You Smell? Tweet I find it interesting that, as dumb as Pete is, he still knows words like olfactory and plantar.
What the Fighting’s All About Tweet Do you know people who argue a lot and you kind of wonder if they do this? Like they don’t really care, they just like arguing?
Appropriate Tweet This is actually a conversation from real life. I work in hospice and we have to “prove” that our patients are appropriate for the service. Sometimes, by regs, we have to take them off the service, then they die shortly thereafter, leading someone to comment, “I guess she was appropriate.”