Now THAT’S Good Thinkin’! Tweet The funny thing is: I drew this before realizing that’s essentially what the restaurants have for spreading the guac on the tac’.
Spread Tweet I guess it wouldn’t taste bad. There are places that make a big deal of serving chicken and waffles together. I was just thinking how awful things taste if you’re not expecting what you got.
We Prefer the Term … Tweet I don’t mind that “nerd” is no longer really an insult, but I wonder how that happened.
Foreign Food Tweet I’m guessing you can make refried beans from coffee beans. I hate coffee, so I would never try, but if you try it, let me know if it worked.
New Pillow Tweet I have a coworker who really likes her bamboo pillow. I have not tried one, yet, because the mental picture I have of one does not seem comfortable. I am, therefore, the definition of ignorance on the matter, except in that pandas really do eat bamboo.
Quixote Lives Tweet I like the idea that Pete may be both smarter and dumber than we think–at the same time!
Fat free = taste free Tweet Why are we willing to pay more for a product that actually cost the manufacturer less to produce?
I Believe I Can, Too Tweet If I have to tell you what song this is based on, well … I’m not sure where I was going with that sentence.
C.F.D.P. Tweet When I hit middle age, my tolerance for caffeine was greatly diminished, so now I only have one caffeinated drink a week. Caffeine Free Dr Pepper helps to lessen the pain of withdrawal.