I think of this every time we sing this song in church.
I think of this every time we sing this song in church.
Anybody else remember this song? Let’s sing it together! “Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts! Mutilated monkey meat … “
It’s sad how many people didn’t know the song Phydeaux mentions. Sadder how many didn’t know how to look it up!
Do kids debate the lyrics anymore? I remember sitting around and debating the songs of Styx and REO Speedwagon and David & David and so forth. I look back and rethink those lyrics and can’t imagine how we wrung that much “wisdom” out of them.
This doesn’t sound like a bad idea to me, but then I don’t listen to Britney or country.
I thought of this the first time I heard the song all those years ago.
Instead of cucumbers maybe it should have been “succotash” just because that’s a funnier word.
I was a little surprised I didn’t get any complaints about this one.
“Scratch it, Carl, scratch it!” How did he expect Rhonda to help, anyway?
I love this old song, but why did she “whamma-lamma-bamma-lamma”? I was never clear on that. Speach impediment?