Get outside, use your imagina … TV? Tweet My son gave me the “Complete Jetsons” on DVD for my birthday last year. Growing up, I loved it and “The Flintstones” but as I grow older I appreciate the Jetsons more.
Rocketry-try-try again Tweet I used to love doing model rockets when I was about 6-8th grade. I’ve thought about trying it again as an adult, but what I don’t really need is another hobby.
Incentives Tweet I was always terrible at the Scripture-memory contests as a child. I knew kids who I think could have gotten this lollypop.
No Cell Coverage Tweet Now, when I see people in a restaurant actually conversing with each other instead of looking at their phones, I want to go over and hug them.
Selleck or Magnum? Tweet I enjoy the “new” Magnum, but the original is still better. REALLY like “Blue Bloods”.
Expert R Us Tweet I have had more questions about this strip than any other I think I have ever done. My more literal-minded friends and readers just don’t get it … and it apparently can’t be explained.
Conjugating Visits Tweet I used to think conjugal visits had something to do with conjugating verbs. (When I was little.)
Going or Staying to/for the Movies Tweet I can’t imagine watching anything more than 5 minutes long on my phone, but I know people who watch entire movies on theirs.
Sliding Scale Tweet This is an actual medical term. As it was mentioned one day, this imagery came into my mind.