Every time I see one of those signs, I can’t help but think the world would be a better place if we could stop the drivers from being so cross.
Author: samwhi371
THAT’s Your Takeaway?!?!
My daughter-in-law, who works at the mental hospital, thought this was hilarious.
Petty Cash Storage
At least now we know that Pete Possum is honest. But will he accept money from Tuttle, thinking it has been stored in Tuttle’s drawers?
2012 (+12)
This cartoon came about because I was reading a writer online who actually claimed this. I don’t remember what he said was actually going on now.
House Willy
Thinking this did help me enjoy the movie even more. (For the record, I liked the 2nd one better than the 1st.)
23rd Psalm, a Chart Topper
DID David know that one Psalm would be a bigger hit than all the others? Was there one he liked better?
Pic’s response in the first panel is mine whenever asked whether I believe in UFOs.
Psychic Inabilities
There’s a psychic with an office (storefront?) near where I often get on the Interstate. I wonder about things like this.
Cultural Appropriation Fail
The joke here is that Tuttle thinks cultural appropriation is a crock. (He’s right. You’re wearing shoes.) Unfortunately, getting a judge who agreed with him spoiled his chance at a lucrative judgment.
Suddenly Summer (or Not)
Back in college, the temperature once dropped over fifty degrees during a single softball game. We didn’t really notice it until we stopped playing