The fights between Pete and Beaver have been an ongoing joke for years in the strip. I like the idea that everyone seems to have gotten used to them.
Author: samwhi371
Merry Christmas 2023
If you had Doctor Tuttle in your local newspaper, you would have seen this strip on Christmas Day! Have your paper contact us today!!
Down Ballad Voting
I really did see the headline mentioned in the first panel. From there, this strip practically wrote itself.
What to Bring
You should contact your local paper and get them to run “DoctorTuttle” so that you could see such strips as this before the holiday!
Family Traditions
If you had “Tuttle’s” in your local paper, you would have seen this strip in the week before Christmas. Have your paper contact us today!
Lightnin’ Strike
Yes, I know God doesn’t work that way. If he did, striking anyone who did something stupid, we’d all just be ash.
What’s in a Name?
I tried suggesting this for the women singers at our church. They didn’t go for it, but at least they didn’t throw anything at me.
Christmas Script part II
The little bunny’s father is me. I try for wisdom, but I can’t find my glasses
Christmas Script Review
This sounds like something I would have written, before the editing.
I have often wondered this. And I bring it up every year. If not in cartoon form, then in conversation, or a sermon, or a Sunday School lesson.