For those who are thinking this is a riff on “What Child Is This?” it’s not. It’s from a song called “The Peace Carol”.
Author: samwhi371
Crazy for Christmas
I bounced this one off some professional counselors I know. They thought it was funny, and a good motto.
Whipped Cream on What?
I like whipped (whooped cream) and, yes, I will occasionally have just a mouthful of it by itself. But now a whole plate? No. Um, why not?
Colander Girls
I’ve sung it this way all my life. I’ve tried to explain the joke to people, but they just don’t have a sense of humor, I guess.
Give Thanks
I was relatively happy with the veggies, but try as I might, I could not draw a cornucopia I was satisfied with. BTW, if you had “Doctor Tuttle” in your local newspaper, you would have seen this one last Thursday
That’s Enough for Me
We’ve been trying to recreate that gravy since then. I’m afraid it was lightning in a bottle.
Good Gravy!
We were eating at a favorite restaurant and my wife ordered chicken-fried steak with gravy. The gravy really did taste like a cross between gravy and cake frosting. (Hint: I thought it was GREAT!)
Portable Fun!
I filled up 4 tb with my favorite old shows. Easier to take them with me now, or just to watch them while I draw.
Augustinian Humor
The more I read about Augustine’s attacks on Pelagius, the less respect I have for him.
Stay Out of There!
Are monkey bars still allowed on playgrounds? They were my favorite equipment as a kid because they could be a pirate ship or a fort or a space ship or so many other things.