Get outside, use your imagina … TV? Tweet My son gave me the “Complete Jetsons” on DVD for my birthday last year. Growing up, I loved it and “The Flintstones” but as I grow older I appreciate the Jetsons more.
In Need of a Candidate Tweet I can’t remember the last time I was really enthused for a candidate rather than, “Well, he/she is better than the other option.”
What a Hairy Party Tweet I was reading about the Whig Party and how they were formed partly from refugees from the Anti-Masonic Party. That seems like an oddly specific party, especially now that I’m so used to political parties being so general they stand for little to nothing.
Not Good for Who? Tweet I just think this is how dogs would react to such news if they could. It’s how I feel like reacting to news I don’t like, anyway.
Morning Refresher Tweet Based on an almost-true story. I realized I had grabbed the wrong can just before spraying.
Cast Iron Skull-It Tweet I know a very sad story about a cast iron skillet. Next time I see you in person, I’ll tell it.
Edible Nacho Bowls Tweet In my experience, the ones that are SUPPOSED to be edible usually aren’t. Looks good, though. Now, serving ice cream in the carved out bowl of a cantaloupe? THATS’s the way to go!
Just Move Along Tweet When do the other six get a month? Okay, 4. I’m pretty sure we celebrate sloth and gluttony all year ’round.
Where’s My Phone? Tweet We haven’t gone quite this far, but my wife and I have both looked for our phones all over the place only to find it in some obvious place. I’m sure we’re the only ones who do that.