I really don’t think that would be possible. Unless you just added a tiny little drop of whiskey. If you used it as all the liquid, I don’t think it would solidify. Someone will try now.
Tag: #food
That Turkey!!
If you got “Tuttle’s” in your local newspaper, you would have seen this Thanksgiving week! Have your paper contact us today!
Making Thanksgiving Awkward
If you got “Tuttle’s” in your local newspaper, you would have seen this Thanksgiving week! Have your paper contact us today!
Polish off the Syrup
We do this at our house, adding some milk when you’re down to the bottom of the chocolate syrup bottle, Our younger son has a different opinion as to what constitutes “near the bottom”.
Diet Advice
I finally got to the point in my financial life where I can afford all the tasty food I want, like Dr Pepper and Taco Bell, and now my body tells me not to ingest such things!
I Did What to the Who?
Instead of cucumbers maybe it should have been “succotash” just because that’s a funnier word.
Chicago Style
I know that many people live long in Chicago without experiencing violence. Sounds like those people are becoming fewer and fewer, doesn’t it?
Risky Biz
I saw recently where paper straws are even worse for the environment than plastic. Maybe we should switch to bamboo like on “Gilligan’s Island”
Whose Cake is It?
My wife’s first initial is the same as my last initial. This has caused some good “accidents” over the years.
Hel Me, Help You
“Scratch it, Carl, scratch it!” How did he expect Rhonda to help, anyway?