Send Me to Washington, or Else! Tweet This has always been one of my motivations for voting. The problem is, the damage they do is felt so much worse here than there.
In Need of a Candidate Tweet I can’t remember the last time I was really enthused for a candidate rather than, “Well, he/she is better than the other option.”
What a Hairy Party Tweet I was reading about the Whig Party and how they were formed partly from refugees from the Anti-Masonic Party. That seems like an oddly specific party, especially now that I’m so used to political parties being so general they stand for little to nothing.
Notary Publican Tweet I was trying to think of who the most noted Republican was, and that was the only one I could think of. Maybe Governor Abbot.
Punishment or Reward? Tweet Can you imagine how much better off WE would be without fast food or social media?
Nice Faucis, Babe! Tweet My wife and I have been calling him “Flip-Flop Fauci” for a year now. Glad the rest of the world has caught on to him.
Gunswoke part 3 Tweet Why are they playing tennis? Why not? I can’t imagine playing tennis without fences to stop the balls that get away.
Gunswoke part 2 Tweet It’s good to see Burt and Charlene again, isn’t it? Funny how they never seem to age.
Pollster Tweet This one probably should have been done during the heat of an election. But then, when are we NOT in the heat of an election anymore?