Looks Disgusting Enough to Eat Tweet There are two jokes here: chunky salsa can look pretty disgusting and I like the idea in this strip that the dog has the most discerning palate of all.
A Good Saying to Say Tweet I’m trying to make this a common saying, but I don’t know if it’s catching on, yet
Infusion, Eh? Tweet Yes, this is a real thing. I heard it at work. I have no idea what it is and am too lazy to look it up (beyond how to spell it).
Fastest Snail on Earth Tweet I haven’t done anything with Steve in a long time, but we’ve had a LOT of snails around lately, so that made me think of him.
Top Restaurant Chef Tweet I’m betting that, of the three, I would probably enjoy Waffle House the most. I know I would feel more at home there.
Grasshopper Ice Cream Tweet Actually, I was trying to remember the last time I heard chocolate-mint ice cream referred to as “grasshopper”, This joke may not work for anyone under 40.
Chocolate-Covered Tweet My sister once ordered a chocolate banana and a milkshake from DQ and they gave her a chocolate-banana milkshake