Inspired by me teaching through the book of Revelation in Sunday School. Fun class!
Author: samwhi371
Complaint Department
Inspired by what was written on the side of my last pack of printer paper. I’m surprised someone hasn’t sued them for false advertising.
Culturally Appropriateness
Some protests are legitimate. For most, though, “follow the money.”
Cultural Approbation
I think the concept is silly. Everything we do, everything we wear, came from somewhere else. Let’s assume we’re honoring those who went before us.
Them’s Fighting Words!
I don’t use that word, but it’s one where I have wondered why it’s considered an insult. Most female dogs I know are quite nice
Symphonic Silliness
This one was fun to write, though in doing so I was convinced I didn’t want to make this standard practice.
One of my father’s oft-told jokes. He had few jokes, and he told them often.
Pool Party!
Why would a flamingo NOT want to go to a pool party? Don’t ask me.
I Did What to the Who?
Instead of cucumbers maybe it should have been “succotash” just because that’s a funnier word.
The Art of Listening
We have a city park that stocks a LOT of fish periodically. You can tell which days because you drive by and the banks are wall to wall with people enjoying “the serenity of fishing”