That Time of Year Tweet If you had “Tuttle’s” in your local paper, you would have seen this one before the holiday! Call your paper today and tell them you want “Tuttle’s”!
Thanksgiving Tweet If you would like to see these cartoons before they appear online, contact your local newspaper and tell them to get “Doctor Tuttle”! Then you would have seen this strip on or before Thanksgiving instead of a week later.
Merry Christmas (still)! Tweet Strips appear on-line one week after they appear in the papers. If you would like to see them sooner, have your local newspaper contact me! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of me at “Tuttle’s”!
Christmas Prayer Tweet Strips appear on-line one week after they appear in the papers. If you would like to see them sooner, have your local newspaper contact me!
All Seated on the Ground Tweet Unfortunately, not enough people are familiar enough with the Biblical narrative for this joke to work anymore.