Run in Fright Tweet I was thinking of people I know who have gone solar and how none of them are happy with the way things have worked out compared to what they were promised.
Real Live Zombies Tweet Inspired by an actual trip to the park where I really did feel like the only one who wasn’t talking on a phone.
Christmas Wish Tweet If you had one of the super-classy newspapers in your town, you would have seen this strip on Christmas eve!
Cowboy(s) Beer! Tweet Growing up in Texas I realize now I was spoiled because Staubach is probably one of the classiest and best NFL’ers ever. Everyone else since has been a let down.
Nunnery or Cannery? Tweet I’m not sure people are getting this one. See, the cat thinks a cannery would be a fun place to go and … oh, never mind.
Wise Guy, Huh? Tweet I have always loved a good quote, and many of them I have actually found by reading the context, though I admit that both of these were found in Bartlett’s.
Adobe? Adobo? Tweet I, for one, love adobo sauce and can just about eat it straight! It’s best mixed in with a little sour cream, though (IMHO).
Eating Each Other Tweet I saw the video. Nature can be gruesome sometimes. The funny thing about it to me was the people whose world view seemed to be shattered because a turtle they had thought was vegan turned out not to be.
Greece is the Word! Tweet This joke actually works better when said aloud, but I still think it’s funny. (And true, this is how you put out a Greece–oops–grease fire.)