Initial Assessment Tweet I think of this every time I have to do an “initial assessment” of a patient at work. I mean, it should take like 2 seconds, right?
Apparel with Intimacy Issues Tweet Some people are probably wondering about this strip as the characters don’t appear to wear clothes. I think what we see are their clothes and they probably look completely different underneath.
Powerful Smellers Tweet The information in the first panel is true. So far, it’s just been tried with a few beagles (like, 3), but wouldn’t it be great if it can be expanded?
Heck’s Kitchen Tweet Or maybe Dave Ramsey defaulting on a gambling debt. Or a politician keeping a promise.
Veggie Vet Tweet I know that pet psychiatrists are a real thing. Do they have veterinary licenses or is it a completely different thing?
Buy Some Tuttle’s Stuff Tweet There is now a store on-line where you can purchase cool Doctor Tuttle mugs and T-shirts and other valuable items!! See it in its infancy at
Define Toxophilite Tweet I wish I could remember where I ran across the word “toxophilite”. BTW, my computer doesn’t recognize it–which proves that computers are stupid.
Sync Tweet This one was inspired by my work as a hospice chaplain. We were given new tablets last year which require sync’ing several times a day. This strip went over very well at work, even with the bosses.
Collegiate Spirit Tweet I’m all for licensed counselors and “doctored” psychiatrists and psychologists, but I also think we could all do some good with some friend-to-friend conversations that aren’t on-line or via text.