Heck’s Kitchen Tweet Or maybe Dave Ramsey defaulting on a gambling debt. Or a politician keeping a promise.
Snow Day!! Tweet This cartoon originally ran in January of 2010. Thought it might bring about some cool thoughts on this hot summer day. Probably not, but I still think it’s a funny strip.
The Regal Eagle Tweet Supposedly, Ben Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national emblem. If it had been, would we have viewed it the way we (most of us, anyway) view the bald eagle now?
Homemade! Tweet “Braum’s” has an excellent “Black Forest Ice Cream”. “Subway” makes a good “Black Forest Ham” sandwich. That’s where this strip came from.
That’s Right, Y’all! Tweet Based on a buddy of mine whose wife drug him to the opera and he didn’t realize it was in English until after it was over and she told him it was. In the words of Andy Griffith, “Opera ain’t nothin’ but hollerin’, but it’s high-classed hollerin’.”
There’s Something About That Man Tweet This came about because a friend was into those scented candles that were supposed to improve your mood or love life or whatever. I walked into her office and the one she had going took me back to the 1980s and “Aqua Velva”. I didn’t tell her that. Now, I really hope there’s an essential oil that smells like “Hai Karate”!
UBWhat? Tweet I actually don’t know if they were the biggest reggae band of the 80s, but I needed a question whose answer was “UB40”.
House on the Back Syndrome Tweet The other characters in the strip talk about their houses and yards. It’s been understood from the beginning that Tuttle just has his shell (inside of which are a big screen TV, a Blue-Ray player, and several other amenities that he says all fit in there due to “quantum reality”).
Buy Some Tuttle’s Stuff Tweet There is now a store on-line where you can purchase cool Doctor Tuttle mugs and T-shirts and other valuable items!! See it in its infancy at https://www.zazzle.com/store/doctortuttle