There is now a store on-line where you can purchase cool Doctor Tuttle mugs and T-shirts and other valuable items!! See it in its infancy at
This one was inspired by my work as a hospice chaplain. We were given new tablets last year which require sync’ing several times a day. This strip went over very well at work, even with the bosses.
I’m all for licensed counselors and “doctored” psychiatrists and psychologists, but I also think we could all do some good with some friend-to-friend conversations that aren’t on-line or via text.
The dentist I went to all my growing up years, who was also our orthodontist, had himself and a lady who was a receptionist. Now, when I go to the dentist, there’s 3-4 people at the front desk, 6 or 7 cubicles with a dental hygienist in each, and then seems like a dozen other people running thither and anon. And then, the dentist himself makes a 30 second appearance just at the end. The MD’s office is the same way.