New Book from Sam!

Cover of my new novel, “Noah”, available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

What if an inventor, say an Edison or a Leonardo—instead of sixty—had eight hundred years to invent? What if the antediluvian world were not made up of hunter-gatherers and the beginnings of an agrarian society, but of spacefarers and scientists?

And what if it were into a world like that that God spoke to tell one of the preeminent scientists of the day to build an ark of wood?


Buy the Kindle version here or the paperback version here.

RBA – Local Christian Book Store Gets into the Outdoor Market By Offering Lot’s Wife Shaped Salt Licks

Mary & Ferd’s Christian Store, one of the longest-serving businesses in town, has lately been trying its hand at offering outdoor equipment. With the success of their lines like “Apostle Paul’s Corinthian Tents” and “St. Pete’s Fishing Gear”, they are now adding items for Christian hunting enthusiasts. Continue reading RBA – Local Christian Book Store Gets into the Outdoor Market By Offering Lot’s Wife Shaped Salt Licks