The Cruelest Blow Tweet There’s a dentist office near here that’s in what clearly used to be a gas station. I am all for the re-use of old buildings, I just think this dentist should have gone to more links to make his building look less like what it used to be.
Fighting Sleep Tweet I secretly admire those people who are so good and so indispensable at their jobs that they can fall asleep in meetings without fear of reprisal.
Repeat Business Tweet Yesterday I got an offer in the mail for a credit card for use at my doctor’s office. I think I’ll change doctors.
How ‘Star Wars’ Has Gone Wrong Tweet Personally, “canon” is the six movies Lucas made. I watch the rest, enjoy some of them (“Rogue One” and “Solo”), but the “real story” closed with “Return of the Jedi”.
Fight of the Millennium Tweet I know people who are heavily invested in the C vs A fight of the first panel. I can generate interest in the debate, but ultimately, I’m not enthused enough to take a side. The ironic thing is, John Calvin wouldn’t recognize the modern day “Calvinists” and Jacob Arminius would probably disown the Armenians.
Medicine Practice is For Suckers Tweet I’ve met a few doctors with this level of cockiness, though they didn’t come right out and say it.