What is Crazy? Tweet Even though I cannot settle on a color for the little bird, it probably is the same one that’s always coming to see Penn for psychiatric help.
Empathetic Empaths Tweet I have learned that, to be thought of as a good listener, you don’t actually have to listen, just be silent.
Violence or Subversion? Tweet I think we all know which political party we think the bird belongs to.
Employee Recognition Tweet I recommended this to my doctor as he so rarely remembers his employees’ names.
Say that Again Tweet I know people who get really bent out of shape over how someone pronounces “pen” over”pin”. I think these are the same people who cry at political rallies.
Normative Systems Tweet Yes, this is a book that actually exists. I have no idea what it is about. I just went on Amazon and found the most intellectual title I could. For all I know, it’s about betting on dachshund races.