Medicine Practice is For Suckers Tweet I’ve met a few doctors with this level of cockiness, though they didn’t come right out and say it.
How to Make Friends Tweet As a hospice chaplain, I keep making friends with people who are dying. It’s kind of a hard life.
Worst Place to Have Cancer Tweet This strip is essentially a transcript of a conversation I actually had.
Amarillo Baseball Tweet “Bladder Spasms” would be a better name for a baseball team than the one the powers that be chose for the new Amarillo team. They pretended the name was chosen by a public vote, but then made sure the vote count was never published because they had already chosen the horrid name and just had the vote to make it look like the public was involved. I like baseball and will go to the games, but I won’t buy any gear and will either root just for “Amarillo” or maybe the visiting team.
Litter-ally Tweet This is one of those cases where I debated how “animal-ly” I wanted the animals to be. Should Phydeaux or Goldie think about getting fixed? What about just a vasectomy?
Plasma’s the Way to Go, Man! Tweet I can’t believe how thin and cheap big screen TVs are getting. I keep thinking about a new one when I go to the store, but the 42 incher I have now works just fine. Why am I telling you this?!?!