How What? Tweet For them as don’t know, the women serving in the Army back during WWII were WACs (pronounced “wax”).
Litter-ally Tweet This is one of those cases where I debated how “animal-ly” I wanted the animals to be. Should Phydeaux or Goldie think about getting fixed? What about just a vasectomy?
Spread Tweet I guess it wouldn’t taste bad. There are places that make a big deal of serving chicken and waffles together. I was just thinking how awful things taste if you’re not expecting what you got.
Protesters Tweet Have you ever seen a protester, maybe even one whose cause you agreed with, that made you think, “Yeah, I wanna get to know that guy”? They all just look so angry and unpleasant.
Eye Humor You Tweet I love listening to people who don’t know they can’t tell a joke. And then everyone laughs, and they think they CAN tell a joke. Wait, what it that’s me?!?!
New ‘Star Wars’ Trailer Tweet I know people who react this way, and are slavering over a new one for Episode IX. I’m a Star Wars fanatic, but the trailers don’t do much for me anymore. After all, the trailer for The Last Jedi was great. And knowing this new movie is directed by Jar Jar Abrams, I can expect the trailer to be better than the movie.
Baby, It’s Dumb Outside Tweet I’ve been wondering for years when the permanently offended class would zero in on this song. I, personally, object because it’s not a Christmas song. In Alaska, it wouldn’t even be a WINTER song!