Author: samwhi371
Some Questions Regarding “Noah”
If you have read all or part of my new novel Noah (available here), you probably have some questions. Let me go ahead and try to answer some of them now. If you have additional questions, please write to me and I will try my best to answer them and work them into a blog. (Though I won’t mention you by name, just the usual “D.B. from Des Moines asks … “)
How are they so technologically advanced? Continue reading Some Questions Regarding “Noah”
Quality of Life Issue
Tattoo U.
Say that Again
For Headaches
New Book from Sam!
What if an inventor, say an Edison or a Leonardo—instead of sixty—had eight hundred years to invent? What if the antediluvian world were not made up of hunter-gatherers and the beginnings of an agrarian society, but of spacefarers and scientists?
And what if it were into a world like that that God spoke to tell one of the preeminent scientists of the day to build an ark of wood?